Check in Project Equipment (Android)
Ver los detalles de los equipos del proyecto usando la aplicación Procore en un dispositivo móvil Android.
Aspectos para tener en cuenta
- Permisos de usuario requeridos
- After you check in equipment from the project, the following is updated in Procore:
- The equipment is added to your Project Register
- The project is set as the 'Current Project' for the equipment in the company's Equipment tool.
- Navegue a la herramienta Equipos (Beta) usando la aplicación Procore en un dispositivo móvil Android.
- Toque el ícono de código
- Point your camera toward the QR code.
El código QR se escaneará y mostrará los detalles del equipo. - Scroll to the bottom of the equipment details.
- Tap Add to Project List.
The equipment is added to your project's Equipment Register.
The project is set as the 'Current Project' for the equipment in the company's Equipment tool.