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Create and Edit a Project Level Action Plan Template


To create an action plan template from the Project level for the Action Plans tool.


Templates can be created at the Company level or Project level, allowing you to easily use the same action plan structure across your project without needing to recreate templates with similar requirements multiple times. Templates can be created from scratch or can be built from templates that were previously created at Company level. 

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Action Plans tool.
    • 'Read Only' or 'Standard' level permissions on the project's Action Plans tool with the 'Create and Edit Project Templates' granular permission enabled on your permissions template.
  • Additional Information:
    • The default general information and default sections and items can be changed while an action plan is being created from a template by users with the appropriate permissions.
    • Project templates can have the same name as templates managed at the Company level.
    • Every field in a project template is fillable and will copy over to action plans that are created using that template. 
    • You can set templates to 'Private' by default. However, when creating an action plan from a template, users can select to make the action plan private or not.


Add Default General Information

  1. Navigate to the Project level Action Plans tool.
  2. Click the Action Plans Settings icon-settings-gear-android.png icon.
  3. Navigate to the 'Templates' tab.
  4. Click +Create Template.
  5. Select to create a new template from an existing company template, or to create a new template from scratch.
  6. Enter the general information.
  7. Continue and Add Default Sections and Items or click Save Draft or Publish.

Add Default Sections and Items

  1. Enter a name for the section.
  2. Complete the information for each item within the section:
    • Under the 'Title' column, enter a name for the item.
    • Under the 'Acceptance Criteria' column, enter any requirements associated with this item's successful completion.
    • Under the 'References' column, click +Add References to add files to the action plan for reference.
      • In the 'Add References' window, select a tool and object to reference or attach one or more files from your computer and click Save.
        Note: Users with the appropriate permissions to create an action plan can remove these attachments or add their own attachments when creating an action plan.
    • Under the 'Assignees' column, click +Edit Assignees to assign responsible parties to the item and to designate whose signatures are requested. 
      In the 'Edit Assignees' window, complete the following:
      • Under 'Blocking Functionality', select the button for one of the following options: (See What is 'Blocking Functionality' in an action plan?)
        • Assignee signature required to release rest of section. This will require the assignee's signature before all remaining items in the same section are released to be completed but will allow released items in other sections to be completed.
        • Assignee signature required to release rest of plan. This will require the assignee's signature before all items in all remaining sections are released to be completed.
        • None. This will allow other released items in the action plan to be completed regardless of when this item's assignee adds their signature.
          Note: The assignee's signature must be marked as 'Required'.
      • Click Select Assignee and select the entity (e.g., 'Contractor') for the responsible party.
        Note: Specific users can be added as assignees when action plans are being performed.
      • Click Select Verification Method and select the method the responsible party should use to verify the item's completion. See Create Action Plan Verification Methods.
        To create a new verification method while creating the action plan template:
        • Click +Create New Verification Method.
        • Enter a name for the verification method.
        • Click Create.
      • If you selected Assignee signature required to release rest of section or Assignee signature required to release rest of plan as noted above: Mark the checkbox in the 'Required' column to require the assignee's signature and to block remaining items in the section or in the plan from being completed until this assignee adds their signature.
      • Click +Add Assignee to add additional entities for additional responsible parties.
      • Click Save.
        • Assignees added when an action plan is being created or edited are considered required and can only be removed while creating or editing an action plan.
        • Additional assignees added while an action plan is being performed are considered optional and can be removed while performing or editing an action plan.
    • Under the 'Records' column, click +Add Records to request one or more records to be included as part of the item's completion.
      • Click Inspections and mark one or more checkboxes next to each inspection template that you want to be used for adding or creating inspections for the item.
        Note: 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Project level Inspections tool are required to request records using project inspections templates.
      • Click Correspondence and mark one or more checkboxes next to each correspondence type that you want to be used for adding or creating correspondence items for the item.
        Note: 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on one of the project's correspondence types are required to request correspondence records.
      • Click Forms and mark one or more checkboxes next to each form that you want attached as a record
        Note: 'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Project level Forms tool are required to request form records.
      • Click Submittals, Meetings, ObservationsAttachments, or Photos and mark the checkbox to request that record.
      • Click Save after selecting the requested records for the item.
  3. Click +Add Item to add a new item within the section.
  4. Click +Add Section to add a new section.
  5. Continue adding sections and items as necessary.
  6. Click Save Draft or Publish.

Copy Sections and Items on an Action Plan

  1. Under 'Sections and Items', locate the section or item you want to copy.
  2. If you are copying a section, hover over the section title bar and click Duplicate icon-duplicate.png.
    If you are copying an item, hover over the item and click Duplicate icon-duplicate.png.
  3. Fill out the information as needed in the newly created section or item.
  4. Click Save Draft.
    Click Publish.

Bulk Edit Items

  1. Mark the checkboxes next to the items you want to edit.
  2. Select to AddEdit, or Replace Assignees based on the change you want to make.
    • You can add Assignees, Records, or References.
    • You can edit Acceptance Criteria, Due Dates or Item Status. 
    • You can Replace Assignees and update their Verification Method.
  3. Enter the new information.
  4. Click Save.

Rearrange Sections or Items

  1. Hover your cursor over the beginning of the row with the section or item you want to move.
  2. Click and hold the vertical grip (⋮⋮) icon.
  3. Drag and drop the row to move it up or down in the table's order.

Delete a Section or Item

  1. Hover your cursor over the end of the row.
  2. Click the icon-delete-trash4.png icon.
  3. Click Delete.

View and Edit a Company level Template at the Project level

  1. Navigate to the Project level Action Plans tool.
  2. Click the settings gear to access Action Plans Settings.
  3. Navigate to the 'Templates' tab.
  4. Select the Company template you want to manage.
    Note: The vector symbol icon-company-level.png indicates that the action plan template is managed at the Company level.
  5. Click the Edit button to make changes to the template.
  6. Onces changes have been made, click Publish.
    Note: Changes are automatically saved.