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Create a Commitment Change Order from a Change Event


To create a commitment change order from a change event


In Procore, a change event is any change that affects the scope of a construction project. See What is a change event? Once a change event is recorded in Procore, project teams have the option to create a Request for Quote (RFQ) to obtain quotes from the responsible contractors. See Create RFQs from a Change Event

You can create a commitment change order from a change event either before or after the associated RFQ has been responded to or reviewed. However, if you wait until after the RFQ has been reviewed and the RFQ status is set to 'Pending Final Approval,' the change order's Schedule of Values (SOV) automatically populates with the amounts from the RFQ during the change order creation process. For more information about RFQ statuses, see What are the different RFQ statuses and how do they affect cost and change order amounts?

The process you use when managing changes in Procore also depends upon how your project's commitment change order tiers are configured. To learn more, see What are the different change order tier settings in Project Financials?

Things to Consider

  • Required User Permissions:
    • 'Standard' level permissions or higher on the project's Change Events tool
    • 'Admin' level permissions on the project's Commitments tool. 


  1. Navigate to the project's Change Events tool.
  2. Select one or more change event line items you want to include in the change order.
    Note: You can select line items across multiple change events. You can also use the Filter drop-down to filter by vendor.
  3. Choose Bulk Actions > Create a Commitment CO.
    Note: The line items on the change order's SOV is created from line items on the change event.
  4. Complete the following information:
    • Number
      This field automatically populates based on the number of change orders already created. By default, the number will automatically increment by one. 
      How does Procore assign numbers to commitment change orders? To learn more, see Can I customize the numbering system for financial objects in Procore?
    • Revision
      This field displays the change order's revision number. When a change order is first created, its revision number is zero. A change order could have multiple revisions because of feedback from a reviewer/approver. This field must be manually entered as revisions are not automatically tracked.
    • Title
      This field will automatically populate with the name of the change event.
    • Status
      Select the current state of the change order. Procore's default status is Pending-In Review.
      Which statuses are available with commitment change orders? For details, see What are the default statuses for change orders in Procore?
    • Private
      Check this box so only you and users with 'Admin' level access on change orders can view this change order.
    • Change Reason
      The change reason field will populate with the change reason you selected in the change event; however, you can edit as necessary. Select the reason for the potential change order, either Client Request, Design Development, Allowance, Existing Condition, Backcharge, or any options customized by the Procore Administrator. Set the Default Change Management Configurations.
    • Accounting Method
      This field inherits the accounting method that was specified in the Commitment (e.g. Amount Based). 
    • Due Date
      Enter the date the change order is due.
    • Invoiced Date
      Enter the date the change order was invoiced.
    • Paid Date
      Enter the date the change order was paid. 
    • Designated Reviewer
      Select a user to review the change order. 
    • Request Received From
      Select a user from the project's directory who you are submitting the potential change order on behalf of. 
    • Description
      Enter a more detailed description of the change order.
    • Schedule Impact
      If known, you can provide an estimate of the number of additional days that would potentially be added to the current project schedule if the change order were approved.
    • Location
      Use the location drop-down menu to select a location the [item] impacts. Either select from the predefined locations, or see How do I add a multi-tiered location to an item? This location may be as general as the site location at the first tier or as specific as where on the site the contractor will be working at the second tier.
    • Reference
      Reference any other tools, materials, drawings, or documents that are related to the potential change order. 
    • Executed
      Check this box once the change order has been completed. 
    • Field Change
      Check this box if the change order is a field change. 
    • Paid in Full
      Check this box to indicate you have received payment for this change. 
    • Change Event Line Items
      If your project is integrated with ERP, select a line item from the associated line item drop-down menu. If you select New Line Item, a zero (0) dollar line item will be added to the commitment's Schedule of Values. If your project is not integrated with ERP, you can skip this action and create the change order. 
    • Attachment
      Attach any relevant documentation. Note: If there is an associated Request for Quote (RFQ) and the reviewer has attached any documentation to their RFQ response, the Change Events tool can be configured to add those attachments to new change orders. See Configure Advanced Settings: Change Events.
  5. Click Create. The Schedule of Values for the change order will be created from the change event line items. You can click into the Schedule of Values tab to verify your line items. 

    Change Event line items by default will pass the latest cost amount to the Commitment Change Order Schedule of Values line items.

    If a Prime Contract Change Order was associated with that Change Event Line item before the creation of the Commitment Change Order, the Change Event line item will then pass the Latest Price amount to the Commitment Change Order Schedule of Values line item.